The information sector includes media publishers, radio and television broadcasters, telecommunications carriers, and other information-related businesses. Employment in this sector has been declining in Kansas since it peaked in 2001 with 50,000 employees.

Telecommunications which is the largest subsector has declined from a peak of 30,000 worker in Kansas to 8,500 workers by the end of 2016. The non internet publishing sector also declined from a 12,000 workers in 2001 to only 5,000 in June 2017. Interent publishing is however a bright spot in the information sector with growth from 100 workers in 2007 to almost 800 workers in 2016, a growth rate twice the national average.

The motion picture and sound recording industry, which consists mostly of movie theaters, remained stable with roughly the same number of employees in 2016 as in 2005. Non-internet broadcasting also declined roughly 40 percent from 2001 to 2016.

Read the Full Industry Analysis


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Center for Economic Development and Business Research

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