CEDBR estimated, for every Kansas county, projections of the growth in total wealth, estate value, charitable bequests, and bequests to community foundations in five-year increments from 2023 to 2072.

A brief current economic snapshot for each Kansas county, including the local income distribution, education, and employment by industry.

To develop a perspective on how people and households in Kansas are faring relative to each county in the state, the center developed a Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise index. The ranking in this index is intended to show one possible relationship in the standard of living between states and Kansas counties.

CEDBR projected the population, by age group, for every Kansas county from 2022 to 2072 in five-year increments based on historical trends in fertility, mortality, and immigration in Kansas.

This dashboard combines industry diversification, regional growth, and labor churn to derive an overall business and economic vitality perspective. Community and business leaders can use this tool to understand the current economic environment relative to other states, counties across the state, or similar communities within a region.


Visit Keep 5 in Kansas for more information about the State-wide initiative and other related resources.

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