Photo of three doctors standing togetherThe third article of the CEDBR healthcare series is about physicians and physician assistants. Employment, location quotient, and average annual wages are analyzed for four specific occupations: family and general practitioners; general internists; physicians and surgeons, all other specialties; and physician assistants. For comparison, data is provided for metropolitan areas in Kansas, the Midwest region, and a group of four metropolitan areas that most closely resemble Wichita in population, demographics and industrial mix. These are Akron, Ohio; Grand Rapids-Wyoming, Mich.; Greenville-Mauldin-Easley, S.C.; and Lancaster, Pa.  

Read the complete article.

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Center for Economic Development and Business Research

1845 Fairmount
Woolsey Hall, Room 303n
Campus Box 121
Wichita, KS 67260-0121
P : (316) 978-3225
F : (316) 978-3950



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