Technician and Technologists Employed in Wichita MSAEmployment in the various technologist and technician occupations in the Wichita metropolitan area has varied significantly across the occupations for which data is available. Although these occupations account for a small fraction of the local labor force, approximately 1,400 workers, they provide valuable services to the community.

In the Wichita metropolitan area, employment in the technologist and technician occupations has grown between 2008 and 2013. The two exceptions are radiologic technologists and nuclear medicine technologists, two occupations that have also decreased in numbers at the national level.
This report details both the state and national employment levels, as well as average wages, for surgical technologists, radiologic technologists, nuclear medicine technologists, diagnostic medical sonographers, cardiovascular technologists and technicians, and medical and clinical laboratory technicians.

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Center for Economic Development and Business Research

1845 Fairmount
Woolsey Hall, Room 303n
Campus Box 121
Wichita, KS 67260-0121
P : (316) 978-3225
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